Monday, August 06, 2007

wonderful conditions

Last Friday evening, Aug 3, was one of those rare occurrences of high tide, nice winds and my being free to go sailing. I launched at the Ken Forde ramp south of Campbell River just after supper. I saw that the flags in the area were blowing on-shore and there were no white caps to worry about. After I launched, I rowed out into the strait and raised the sails. The wind seemed to have died despite the flags still being blown inland. A few minutes of lazily drifting about and the wind increased to about ten knots. Stayed at that strength for the next hour and a half! Wonderful sailing toward Quadra Island until the tides carried me down island, then I could tack back and forth until I was upstream of the ramp then sail back out for another run down island. I was so pleased with the boat. She easily tacked and sailed with so little heeling that I was able to sit on the floor of the boat for most of the evening. In the last half-hour, the wind increased and I sat on the benches but was not tempted to put in a reef! I took the boat out of the water as the sun was thinking of setting and I was dreaming of longer trips.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really look forward to updates to your blog, as finances keep me off the water for now. Cheers
Cape Cod, Mass

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gerry: As you may know, I commissioned the Walkabout design. (Due to some big life changes I haven't been able to build one yet.) Your boat is beautiful, and it's a real pleasure to read about your adventures. Best of luck, and thanks for keeping this blog. - Stephen, Sacramento, CA

7:42 PM  

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