Friday, February 23, 2007

Two Months Later

I see my last entry here was late December and now it is just as late in February. The cold weather here has restricted my epoxy work to those pieces I can bring in the house to keep warm, or places where I can leave a heat lamp. Picture on the left shows the tiller assembly, daggerboard and rudder assembly. Picture on the right shows the rudder in place. I took a couple of pictures of the boat on its new trailer too. I am frustrated at not being able to get much done on the boat, so decided I would work on the trailer for a day. I made some new bunks to support the boat and took it for a walk around the yard. I also include a picture of the masts in place. I couldn't resist a look at them. I painted the raw aluminum tubes with a gold paint to match the colour I intend to put on the top plank. I have spent a few days scraping and sanding the interior. A few weeks ago I saw lots of mildew living there, so washed it all down with TSP then a wash of bleach followed by fresh water rinses. After it dried,I then put on a primer that works in the cold. A nuisance to sand that away to get to the epoxy blobs, but a new coat of primer will go on in the next sunny day. May get the interior painted too. Still no end in sight for the cold weather, so the boat remains upright awaiting the epoxy and cloth on the bottom. But first the wood needs washing and sanding to get rid or the mildew there too.


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